
My DJ motto

DJing gives you wings

Always the turntable tart, I felt inspired today to craft this little homage to Hermes the great messenger of the Greek gods. Natch.

Seeing as our trusty cans live half their lives clamped to our noggins, they also deserve the chance to look flash an’ all.

(They’ll probably survive one gig I’ll wager)

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Categories: Gear, Pics, Shizzlé

12 inch boobs

Lured in by the title? Shame on you! Just my cheeky slipmats.
Quite hypnotising when they spin…

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Categories: Pics, Shizzlé

DJ lingo – definitive guide

Want to speak like all the pro DJs? This book tells you all you need to know!

*I’ve found that this kinda language can also be applied to many everyday situations, such as domestic duties.
For example: Today I’ll be “rinsin’ off a hooj pile of dish-tastic gravy-soiled dinner plates”. Bo!


Categories: Shizzlé

Gem of an MP3 player for DJs

Found this, love this. Free fun, we like that. Guess this software’s pretty old but if I now need to stick on a track in a sharpish stylee, this gets my double-click.

Try playing two copies at once. Hey it even doubles as a BPM counter! Mint.

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Categories: Shizzlé

M.I.A. vs Dire Straits blend? Surely not!

Check ma cheeky mishymash. The glorious M.I.A.’s XXXO acapella (kindly available on her own website) laid over Your Latest Trick, with some beats from Planet Rock toughening up the percussion. Simple and sweet.


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Categories: Shizzlé, Vids

Hello! Here’s my face!


Categories: Shizzlé